Saturday, July 12, 2008

Indiana Beach with the Hatke Family!

Gavin and his best bud head to Indiana Beach. Big thanks to the Hatke's who invited Gavin to enjoy their trip. Gavin and Noah flew....

Gavin and Megan (Mrs. Hatke to her students) flew....
Gavin and Noah hopped.....
and dropped!!!
I think Noah enjoyed this more than Gav.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beachin it baby!

Gavin enjoyed the beach. However, he said the water was too cold and wanted to stay on shore eating his crackers. All fine and dandy until I realized the reason for his love of the shore.....13 year old girl in a itsy bitsy teeny weeny multi-colored bikini right next to him. The little perv couldn't keep his eyes off of her!

Lauren never left the water....
Except to get buried in the sand.


The kids sat at a distance for a safe fun holiday.

That lasted 5 minutes. See the match in Gavins hand?
GAvin has a new, fire, fire. Lord help us all!
See his first shiner? No it's not from fireworks....That would've been horrible. Nope, he was jumping on the bed with Lauren's parasol and it of course hit him in the face. It's nice and blue now....Lauren's favorite color!

4th of July pre-fireworks eat fest!

People liked the Black-eyed pea salsa so was gone!!!!

Even the kids ate it!
Joel played with Annie....sorry Justin she's cheating on you with your brother!!!

Meyer Jam Session

Lauren and Annie Dancing to the music...sorry couldn't get it rotated!

Gavin a natural as a guitar player.
See! I'm telling you, when he thinks no one is watching he really cooks!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mall of America

Poo Poo Nu Nu....Tak and Kids

Legoland....Gav's favorite!!!!
Gavin showing Avatar his Lego purchase.
Lauren and Gavin on the swings....Gavin's behind Lauren whos wearing bright pink.

Rainforest Cafe at Mall of America

Lauren loved it this time....Gavin wasn't so sure. He was very concerned about the gorillas watching him and thought it was too loud. He toughed it out like a good sport!

May I help you?

Gavin loved playing waiter. He served me ice in a cup every night!

Pajama day at the park

Gavin refused to wear anything else but his PJ's to the park in Minnesota. Justin, I'm sorry but I had to pick my battles and it wasn't worth the fight!

Lauren, of course, had a matching outfit and was picture perfect!

I have a tree thing...every cool tree must have a photo op w/ my children.