Sunday, February 10, 2008

Read to me Waren!

Lauren received a head lamp from Uncle Carl for Christmas last year which of course Lauren and Gavin fought about all year long! This year Gavin received his own and all was peaceful in the Meyer household....(until Gavin received Super Mario Bros for his b-day from Gramma Schilling.) The head lamps are the greatest gifts ever! I walked into Lauren's room one night only to find her reading to Gavin in the dark by means of the head lamp. It has since been a nightly ritual and hopefully one of their fond childhood memories. I LOVE hearing Gavin say...will you read to me Waren?! One of my fondest memories of the kids so far!

Sorry, the picture isn't very good. My camera is having issues and temper tantrums lately. Couldn't be the user I'm sure!!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

So. Stinkin. Cute. And I actually LOVE the blurry picture!