Monday, February 11, 2008

When a door shuts, God opens a window!

This weekend has been a stressful weekend. Gavin was diagnosed with pneumonia and double ear infections. Which is stressful in it's self but on top of that CPS dropped the ball with filling Justin's petition for adoption of Lauren. Did I mention he's leaving for Iraq in 2 WEEKS!!!! After many phone calls and gray hairs I received a phone call from our attorney. He leaves for vacation from the 12th to the 19th and Jus leaves the 21st. However, he was able to talk the Judge into an emergency hearing on the 20th! Lauren will finally be Daddy's little girl!!!! Legally! Justin isn't as excited as I am. When I asked him why he just simply responded with "She's always been my daughter." THIS IS WHY I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Daddy's Home!!!

Daddy's home with cool stuff! Lots of my pictures we couldn't put on here....breach of security and all. Let me tell you though, they can't stop me from scrapbooking them! So cute! These are the ones I was allowed to put up. Gavin is so very proud of his Daddy. Wants to be a soldier just like him! (Over my dead body!)

Lauren liked having Daddy home but the "toys" didn't do much for her and off she went to watch Hannah.

Gavin on the other hand wouldn't leave Daddy's side and hasn't since he's been home. He's going to have a really hard time in two weeks when Daddy leaves for his "long time" as we call it.

Read to me Waren!

Lauren received a head lamp from Uncle Carl for Christmas last year which of course Lauren and Gavin fought about all year long! This year Gavin received his own and all was peaceful in the Meyer household....(until Gavin received Super Mario Bros for his b-day from Gramma Schilling.) The head lamps are the greatest gifts ever! I walked into Lauren's room one night only to find her reading to Gavin in the dark by means of the head lamp. It has since been a nightly ritual and hopefully one of their fond childhood memories. I LOVE hearing Gavin say...will you read to me Waren?! One of my fondest memories of the kids so far!

Sorry, the picture isn't very good. My camera is having issues and temper tantrums lately. Couldn't be the user I'm sure!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This is Gavin Christmas morning. While looking through some pictures I stumbled across this one and it nearly took my breath away. He looks so much like my brother when he was this age. I think it's the eyes and his ability to look straight into you. Seeing this is such a blessing especially kicking off Lent. A friend mentioned how Lent is supposed to be about giving up things that we love. Something that would be painful to give up. Just like Jesus painfully gave up his life for us. I don't think we're going to give something up for Lent this year....I think we're going to add something this year. We're about to have so much pain giving up Justin to the Military that I feel like we're about endure Lent for a year and a half instead of 40 days. I've decided we're going to be more prayerful as a family. Thank God for all of our blessings even the ones that we don't see on a daily basis. I hope this will help the kids (and myself) remember we're not alone. Even when we feel like it. That God is carrying us through this. I keep telling myself "Army Strong Carrie"....well new motto..."God Strong!!!" Thanks Alisha for keeping me on track spiritually as well as mentally!! God Bless!

I came across these too. Lauren on her birthday at Arni's with the family before the hectic b-day party!!! She got her Nintendo DS.....
Holy crap! Heeleys toooooo!!!!!!! She didn't expect this can you tell? We kept telling her they were too expensive.....gotcha!
This is Aunt Jocelyn and Gavin over Christmas break. Auntie Joce was up visiting during Christmas and we all went bowling. She got the G man his first Alabama Sweatshirt. She got a good laugh knowing Great Uncle David would someday see this picture. However, Joce he'll always be a Colts runs through his vains. However, even though he loves watching football Gavin loves playing soccer. I pray everyday that he stays that way. I can't imagine seeing him play football and having others tackle that beautiful baby boy!!!!!

Lauren is a soccer player too!!!

Lauren was less than thrilled to see a picture of Gavin playing soccer and not one of her. her arguement was that she's been playing soccer longer. Which was my reasoning with her.....this is Gavin's first sport. Did I happen to mention there's NO reasoning with a nine year old!!!!